Update Your Business Listing

Add or Update a Listing

Please select from the dropdown menu below to request a new Spokane Valley listing, or update information on an existing one. Categories include:

  • Places to stay — hotels only, no vacation rentals
  • Meeting venues — must be located in the City of Spokane Valley and offer rentable meeting space
  • Restaurants — should be located in the City of Spokane Valley
  • Shopping— should be located in the City of Spokane Valley and offer retail products that interest tourists and visitors
  • Events — see event requirements below


Event Requirements:
  • Events should appeal to tourists and visitors who primarily seek leisure activities.
  • Events must be located in the City of Spokane Valley or Spokane region.
  • Please include full description of the event and what visitors can expect. Please, do not use ALL CAPS in the description.
  • Please include an image (that meets requirements) with any submitted event.

Events not likely to be approved:

  • Food and drink specials, happy hour activities, and restaurant/bar games
  • General fundraisers or charity functions
  • Business or political networking events, seminars, speakers or training workshops
  • Grand Opening of a business
  • Religious ceremonies or functions
  • Summer Camps or events requiring multi-day commitment
  • Real Estate events or open houses
  • Events outside of Spokane County

Submitted events will not automatically be added to the website. They must be approved and require up to 7 business days for approval. Discover the Valley reserves the right to edit an event description and photo to meet standards. Thank you.